The Shameless Era

The Shameless Era

Hosted by: Lynsey Dalen & Justine Eno

Just two girlfriends chatting about big dreams, big ambitions and why we're going after them shamelessly.


Episode 23 - The Question Game

Season #2

Wrapping up Season 2 with some rapid fire questions that take us DEEP on this week's episode. As always, our goal is to share the real, the raw, the vulnerable and the sometimes not so pretty sides of who we are. We...
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Episode 22 - Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Season #2

Don't let fear hold you back from achieving your ambitions girlfriend. Use it to fuel your fire and propel your momentum forward. Even if you fail, you're failing forward and that's still progress. This week's episode...
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Episode 21 - Words of Wisdom

Season #2

This episode is all about the words of wisdom we've received in our life and what they've meant to us. We are truly a product of the people we surround ourselves with and it's up to us to make smart choices. We're...
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Episode 20 - Happy International Women's Day

Season #2

International Women's Day is a special day for all of us girlfriends and it means something different to every woman who recognizes it. This episode is dedicated to the women who have shaped us and all of the lessons...
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Episode 19 - #momlife

Season #2

FACTS: Being a Mom is the hardest job in the world and there's really no way to summarize or quantify the amount of work that goes into it. As ambitious women who are also Moms, we're sharing a conversation about the...
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Episode 18 - Multi-Passionate Women

Season #2

In this week's episode, we're discussing what it means to be a multi-passionate woman and how we incorporate all of those passions into our journey. Life is not a one-way street and you do not have to operate in a...
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Episode 17 - Our Partners in Life & Ambition

Season #2

Sharing an inside look into our relationships with our husbands and what it's taken to make the magic happen since we were 20. This episode is all about celebrating and honoring the growth we've done both as couples...
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Episode 16 - Introducing

Season #2

Would we even BE shamelessly ambitious if we didn't use our own podcast to promote ourselves and our offerings??? HECK NO girlfriend! This episode is dedicated to the launch of and to share some...
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Episode 15 - Maintaining a Positive Mindset

Season #2

Mindset is EVERYTHING when it comes to pursuing big dreams and ambitions but it's also crucial to just having a happy life. In this episode, we're sharing the strategies we focus on when we know we need to make a...
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Episode 14 - Making Mistakes as an Ambitious Woman

Season #2

Let's face it girlfriends, nobody's perfect and we all make mistakes. It's inevitable, especially in the pursuit of ambition! This episode is a dedication to the mistakes we've made and a recognition of our gratitude...
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Episode 13 - Crisis Management

Season #2

Season TWO has officially landed and we're kicking off the conversation with a deep dive into how we handle crisis situations in our lives. **hint hint** - we're polar opposites! Having the skill set to face chaos and...
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